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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Why America is No Longer Great

Why is America no longer the greatest country in the world? For me, it boils down to this...Americans want to be entertained. Facts often aren't entertaining, they are disturbing. They make one think, they make one question what they really stand for and what's really right. Sadly, most Americans would rather their thinking be done for them, which lends itself to powerful, corrupt people and networks doing just that. So, we have a nation of ignorant and misinformed people participating in a process that was meant to be a tool to foster and maintain freedom, but is now more of an illusion. Candidates often aren't selected by the people, they are selected by corporations and interest groups and certain people in the parties. Then we get some entertainment, negative entertainment more often than not, then, like the American Idol nation we have become, we vote for who put on the best show, the best act.

I challenge people to look in to their hearts of hearts and really think about how they feel and what they believe regarding the social and political issues of our time. I want them to disregard what their parents, religion, educational institutions, or social groups intimate their stances should be. I want them to reach down deep and discover what their stances REALLY are. Then, I want them to do a bit of research about the parties and candidates they have voted and rooted for and see if those parties and candidates really represent them. But, of course, people won't do that. That would open up a very nasty can of cognitive dissonance for so many of them. It's easier to vote for the same party mom or dad voted for, easier to vote for the party one's business partners and peers vote for, easier to vote for the party that is most closely aligned with the religion one was indoctrinated to embrace...Chains are quite hard to break. And shit doesn't stink when it's masked by a democratic facade. © All Textual Rights Reserved by Kristiana Bennett

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