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Saturday, July 28, 2012

These Walls

We are so busy reacting to what life throws at us, that we rarely take the time to discover who we actually are. 
We simply navigate within the Byzantine structures of society, our families and our own psyches. 
Those walls are killing me. 
They close in more and more day by day. 
I just want to be free. 
Whatever that means. 
Free from the awful tyranny of societal norms, the emotional ties of my family and the weight of all of my accumulated guilt and fears 
I want to transcend the illusion of my disconnection from everyone and everything around me 
I want to become lost in love 
Boundless Agape 
Not the limited sphere of Eros 
© All Textual Rights Reserved By Kristiana Bennett

Saturday, July 21, 2012


The death of depth of feeling and thought 
Is gradual at best 
The callous scab of indifference 
Growing progressively harder over time 
Covering ever larger territories of tender, bleeding hearts and craggy brains 
Until they become petrified organs in increasingly flocculent shells 

We congratulate ourselves on how far we've come 
Technologically (Innovative internet, Computerized cars, Sophisticatedly sensible smart phones) 
Academically (More BAs, more PhDs, more program choices) 
Socially (Interracial couples and homosexuals are accepted, ubiquitous Facebook and Twitter, we have a Black president for Chrissake) 
Societally (All those charities/nonprofits and other organizations that strive to make a difference in the lives of the downtrodden, the oppressed) 
Politically (The land of the free (cherished chains of debt we embrace you) and the home of the brave (as pedestrians walk by people being assaulted without stopping and students gun down innocent civilians in theaters and policemen use the power of their badges to assault and harass minorities...oh America, may your beautiful facade forever keep us blind) 

We sit in front of our televisions and computer screens 
Blankly staring at the torrents of information 
That give us the illusion of knowledge 
But instead, increase our confusion 
Feed our delusions 
Drain our desire for revolution 
The dissolution of a series of systems that keep us enslaved 

We die inside daily as we imitate life 
As we try to exhibit the appropriate feelings and responses 
Turning to the more primitive aspects of ourselves for direction, libido, fight and flight 
We become less. 
Less and less and less... 
© All Textual Rights Reserved By Kristiana Bennett