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Monday, April 29, 2013


For Andreas
My words stood like a fence between us 
I had put up a straight, firm line of pickets, the unyielding truths as I felt them, and he had crossed them with a wooden resistance, the obdurate truths as he saw them, and we nailed them together with the steel of hurt pride 

We gazed at each other through the cracks 
Precious glimpses of vulnerability 
More often, thick burlap flashes of years past 
Our memories, the fabric in which we had clothed our lives, were mantles we labored under 
A comforting warmth 
A suffocating weight 
Clumsy, patchwork veils that chafed 

We tried to break through 
Apologies and promises tossed like bricks 
But they were never strong enough 
We stood on our respective sides 
Bent under our burdens 
Worn from our efforts 
And loved as best as we could 
Through a barrier we had built too well 

© All Textual Rights Reserved By Kristiana Bennett 4/29/13