I observe from afar, aware of your unspoken need for respect and appreciation
I listen to the soundtrack your spirit emits
Attentively examining your character under the flickering glow of your hopes and fears
I yearn for us to mingle energy
Perhaps you and I might find something between us, besides a penis
Because I believe that you came across my path for a divinely intended purpose
And such joys come undeceived
Please grant me a chance
Not at romance
Just enlightenment
Permit to discover within the realms of our conversations
Necessary stimuli to maintain mutual admiration
And respect
Erasing the prejudices created by our previous relations
Seeking steadfast focus on us, and what we may in time become:
Lifelong friends
Open the door to your mind and heart
So that I can see through your eyes
I want to take the time to see that which isn't advertised:
Your heart and your trust
You keep them hidden on a back shelf in your soul
Where they collect dust
Because you refuse to allow yourself to be vulnerable, or emotionally honest
Because you too fear sharing them with someone who just won't give a fuck
And hand them back to you all used up and putrid
Like some shit
But unlike most others, I am one who chooses to do right
Holding my head high
I'm constant like constellations
I am not afraid to tell the truth, or to receive it
And I see through eyes that can penetrate the most carefully crafted facades
So I sit here, trying to replace doubt with reassurance
Converting hesitation into synergy
Emotional overflow
Perhaps we can help each other to see what we've never seen
And what we've been too afraid to know© All Textual Rights Reserved by Kristiana Bennett
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