People don't realize that there's a war going on here, in this country. It's a quiet war that involves no guns. The bodies that fall are only the ideals, values, rights and liberties that have died and the blood that spills is American pride.
The smaller victories, the strike-down of DOMA, for instance, cannot make up for the greater losses we are experiencing as time goes on–the Farm Bill and the redirection of government funds from programs designed to feed urban poor to agribusinesses, the strike down of the Voting Rights Act, Section IV leaving southern states able to gerrymander voting districts and impose all sorts of stringent, and often racially biased, voting laws unchecked by the federal government, the political targeting of Planned Parenthood that leaves many women without the ability to have abortions or access to affordable reproductive care, the rising costs of tuition that make it increasingly difficult for poor and middle-class students to have access to higher education, the fact that corporations have and continue to successfully influence people in Congress to eradicate the checks on corporations and business practices that are imperative for protection of the working class in this country...The list goes on and on.
Wake up people. Please. I am frankly terrified of what the future holds. People do not think it possible that the great United States of America could ever become a dystopian society, but it can. When the masses are kept poor and uneducated, when government is allowed to become increasingly ubiquitous and corrupt and individual freedoms and rights are systematically stripped away in concert with decreased access to public assistance, it becomes ever more possible and ever more likely. Wake up!
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