I smiled with my eyes
And shed tears in my soul
I used laughter as a disguise
But in time it took its toll
I tried to find refuge in sleep
But you haunted my dreams
I tried to tuck the memories of you deep
But they came bursting through the seams
Deep inside me I yearned
All I wanted was you
I tried to forget the lesson of love I’d learned
And accept that we were through
But something inside me
Wouldn’t let it be
That something inside
Wouldn’t let me flee
You were the answer to my question
You were the sweetest part of me
You were a beautiful lesson
In time, I had come to see
But what use is an answer
If the point of the lesson’s no longer there?
When sweetness gives way to bitterness
What’s the use of having learned to care?
I don’t want to ask the question
I don’t want to know
I don’t want to make a confession
I don’t want to save my soul
I just want you back
I just want your love
I just want to be with you
Life without you is a reality I can’t conceive of
Is it ever too late when it comes to love?
Can true love ever die?
Can you escape something sent from above?
Can fear and pain turn a heart’s truth into a lie?
If our love was true then
It should still be true today
What’s meant to be forever can never end
A bond like that can’t be broken, only frayed
Love can wither and fall…
Mutilated, in the battle between two hearts
But it can grow back tall
It can make a new start
Just give it a chance
I know you won’t feel regret
Let yourself get caught up in this romance
Let’s create those memories we’ll never forget
Don’t let our future become clouded
With regrets from our past
Let’s let our hearts become crowded
With only positive feelings that will last
The question is, “What is love?”
The answer is, “It’s you.”
Happiness can only be found if we’re together
That is my heart’s truth© All Textual Rights Reserved by Kristiana Bennett
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