He has spring sky-colored eyes
The sort that hold the remnant of winter's cold with the promise of summer heat
Lips made to sin, corruptibly curved
In a face that is at once friendly and reserved
He's a study in contrasts
Strong, yet sensitive
Astute, but a practitioner of selective perception
He wields his intelligence like a deadly weapon
Laid back, but definitely extremely alert
He piqued my curiosity
Provided fuel for an intense desire
To bask in the blaze of his intellectual fire
He is a comfortable companion
But he evokes conflicting sensations in me
I find myself blushing for no reason
Feeling like my affinity for him makes me guilty of treason
I wonder what purpose lies behind our meeting
I hope that we can share time and energy
Without any of the drama I abhor
And I hope that he sees that my intentions are pure
I recognize his spirit
And see its similarities to my own
I hope that he will understand that I truly intend
To allow every opportunity for us to be friends... © All Textual Rights Reserved by Kristiana Bennett
For Andrew
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