My thesis
Nothing more than a statement stamped irrelevant
I thought I was one of God’s enlightened children
Someone should have told me that shit was a lie
Meanwhile, the devil whispers songs of joy, happiness, and ambition
Aversion to submission
Telling me on bended knees my pleas go unanswered
Infecting my soul like cancer
Using everything aesthetic as an anesthetic
Numb to the idea of Jesus
Like those Jews, persecuted for nothing more than being
Trapped in the fragmented visions of what others are seeing
Eyes, lips, breasts, hips
Fantasies of me naked amongst flowers, or dressed in leather with whips
I strive to create a reality separate from the one those around me diligently fashion
A reality that involves all of the voluptuous promise exhibited in my physical
But also encompassing the boundless power of my soul in its glory
I try to help those who care to know,
Sift through all of the psychological, emotional, and spiritual debris
To put together the pieces of me...© All Textual Rights Reserved by Kristiana Bennett
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